Omer Area Capacity Investigation

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Project Description:

The purpose of this project is to conduct a thorough investigation of the sewershed area in order to identify and implement measures that will reduce and prevent sewer backups from occurring. The project will involve comprehensive and focused flow monitoring, analysis of maintenance and inspection data, assessment of pipe material and geometry, and examination of other relevant factors.

By conducting intensive monitoring and data analysis, the project aims to gain a better understanding of the underlying causes of sewer backups in the area. This information will help in identifying specific areas or factors contributing to the problem. Based on the findings, the project will recommend appropriate upgrades and improvements to address the identified issues.

The recommendations resulting from the project will be presented to the Council for their consideration in future budget allocations. This ensures that the proposed upgrades align with the City's financial planning and priorities. By implementing the recommended upgrades, the project aims to enhance the performance and reliability of the sewer system, thereby reducing the occurrence of sewer backups and mitigating related issues for residents and businesses in the area.


The wastewater system tributary to the Region’s Omer Sanitary Pumping Station is subject to high wet weather flows resulting in incidences of basement flooding. In an effort to help diagnose the potential causes of the high wet weather flows, the City has undertaking the following activities:

• Preliminary flow assessment utilizing flow monitors.

• CCTV inspection of the local sewers.

• Comprehensive inspection and inventory of basement sump-pump and downspout connections of the existing residents.

Prior to implementing private site works to address/partially address the flooding issue, the City will leverage the ongoing Pollution Prevention Control Plan study to re-evaluate the Omer catchment utilizing the latest available data to confirm the existing system flows, capacity, and constraints.

This work will help identify the preferred system-based strategy with consideration for the City’s long-term growth projections and the latest industry approach. Further, it is envisioned that the preferred strategy would include an evidence-based local remediation and inflow and infiltration plan with clear actionable recommendations, from which the City can proceed directly into implementation to address the existing system flow and capacity issues.

The scope of works will occur concurrently with the Pollution Prevention Control Plan and is not anticipated to extend the PPCP completion date.

External Support:

GM BluePlan Engineering Limited is a dynamic engineering, management and technology consulting firm built to provide a unique, full service, and full lifecycle service offering in the consulting engineering marketplace. The organization is a Canadian and wholly employee-owned firm with over 250 staff and seven offices in Southern Ontario that brings over 50 years of experience.

GMBP has an unmatched understanding of Port Colborne’s wastewater system as well as the City and Regional long-term planning context. The team is highly skilled, experienced in the industry, and is capable of providing exceptional short and long-term needs relating to infrastructure and wet weather management type projects.

Approved Budget:

Total Approved Budget: $150,000

Estimated Completion:

February 2024

Project Description:

The purpose of this project is to conduct a thorough investigation of the sewershed area in order to identify and implement measures that will reduce and prevent sewer backups from occurring. The project will involve comprehensive and focused flow monitoring, analysis of maintenance and inspection data, assessment of pipe material and geometry, and examination of other relevant factors.

By conducting intensive monitoring and data analysis, the project aims to gain a better understanding of the underlying causes of sewer backups in the area. This information will help in identifying specific areas or factors contributing to the problem. Based on the findings, the project will recommend appropriate upgrades and improvements to address the identified issues.

The recommendations resulting from the project will be presented to the Council for their consideration in future budget allocations. This ensures that the proposed upgrades align with the City's financial planning and priorities. By implementing the recommended upgrades, the project aims to enhance the performance and reliability of the sewer system, thereby reducing the occurrence of sewer backups and mitigating related issues for residents and businesses in the area.


The wastewater system tributary to the Region’s Omer Sanitary Pumping Station is subject to high wet weather flows resulting in incidences of basement flooding. In an effort to help diagnose the potential causes of the high wet weather flows, the City has undertaking the following activities:

• Preliminary flow assessment utilizing flow monitors.

• CCTV inspection of the local sewers.

• Comprehensive inspection and inventory of basement sump-pump and downspout connections of the existing residents.

Prior to implementing private site works to address/partially address the flooding issue, the City will leverage the ongoing Pollution Prevention Control Plan study to re-evaluate the Omer catchment utilizing the latest available data to confirm the existing system flows, capacity, and constraints.

This work will help identify the preferred system-based strategy with consideration for the City’s long-term growth projections and the latest industry approach. Further, it is envisioned that the preferred strategy would include an evidence-based local remediation and inflow and infiltration plan with clear actionable recommendations, from which the City can proceed directly into implementation to address the existing system flow and capacity issues.

The scope of works will occur concurrently with the Pollution Prevention Control Plan and is not anticipated to extend the PPCP completion date.

External Support:

GM BluePlan Engineering Limited is a dynamic engineering, management and technology consulting firm built to provide a unique, full service, and full lifecycle service offering in the consulting engineering marketplace. The organization is a Canadian and wholly employee-owned firm with over 250 staff and seven offices in Southern Ontario that brings over 50 years of experience.

GMBP has an unmatched understanding of Port Colborne’s wastewater system as well as the City and Regional long-term planning context. The team is highly skilled, experienced in the industry, and is capable of providing exceptional short and long-term needs relating to infrastructure and wet weather management type projects.

Approved Budget:

Total Approved Budget: $150,000

Estimated Completion:

February 2024

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Project Location: Omer Area Sewershed

almost 2 years

Page last updated: 16 Nov 2023, 09:01 AM